Month: December 1998

It's For The Lord!

Author James Duff tells of the time when English pastor and theologian Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) was collecting money for foreign missions. One of his contacts was an old friend. When presented with the need, the man said, "Well, Andrew, seeing it's you, I'll give you 5 pounds."

What's Your Motive?

Burt Gutras is a communications technician who fine-tunes aviation electronic equipment. But his passion is volunteering for the Smith County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (SCARES). He provides indispensable communication when police are searching for missing persons.

Don't Forget Me, Lord!

Do you ever wonder if the Lord has forgotten you? Does it seem as if He's not paying as much attention to you as He once did? If so, remember that appearances can be deceiving. Regardless of how it looks right now, the Lord is not far from you. He may be giving you an opportunity to trust Him and wait for His help rather than rely on your own resources.


People who kill time and waste opportunities create problems for themselves. "They're irresponsible!" we complain. On the other hand, some people encounter problems because they are over-responsible. They say to themselves, "If I don't do it, no one will. Even if others would do it, they wouldn't get it right." This attitude has been called "the perfectionist's myth," and those who live it are labeled "exhausted martyrs."

To Be Clean Is To Be One

In Makhachkala, a city in southern Russia, 14 new believers and some missionaries gathered in a small apartment to celebrate the Lord's Supper. The room was charged with spiritual energy and joy as the people shared in testimonies, songs, and prayers.

Remembering To Forget

When people hurt us and then apologize, we may say that we forgive them. But like a dog that won't give up its bone, we may let our mind continue to chew on past insults.

Waiting . . . And Watching

A father arrived to pick up his son after a church youth meeting. As he drove into the parking lot, he saw his pre-teen son by the exit door—completely oblivious to his dad's arrival. The father decided to see how long it would take his son to look around and discover that he was there. Twenty minutes went by before the dad finally honked the horn to get his son's attention.

We Need One Another

The Peterson ranch in Wyoming is framed by mile after mile of fencing. Not only is the entire spread fenced in, Clyde Peterson has it subdivided with barbed-wire so he can move the cattle from section to section. A single grazing spot may be bordered by as many as 600 fenceposts. Each cedar post is important. If one is knocked down, the entire herd can escape over the fallen section.

Part Of The Solution

Many people think that Christians are always negative and fighting against something. That's unfortunate, because we should be known as positive people who promote what is good and right.